Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thelma Cervantes

My name is Thelma Cervantes Ocampo I am 21 years old and I am from Aguscalientes Mexico. I was born in Mexico DF the capital of Mexico, but when I was 10 years old I moved to Aguascalientes. I live with my family (which are my sisters: Janette , and Lizette, my Father, Roberto and my Mother Thelma. I've attended girls catholic schools since kindergarten. Rigth now Im studing Architecture (6th semester) at the university of Aguascalientes (UAA). I love traveling because is the best way of living the architecutre. This will be my 3rd year at Notre Dame and I can say that being part of the Phoenix Family is one of the best things could ever happend to me. When I'm not studying I try to work out, Hang out with my boyfriend (we've been together for 3 years now), and my friends. I love reading almost all kind of books, listen music, and play tennis, Im really looking foward to know all the new members of the Phoenix family. see you in the summer!

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