Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Laura Vía

My name is Laura Via Vallès and I live in Pacs del Penedès, a little village which is 60 km from Barcelona, Spain. I am 24 years old and I have been studying Law and Business for five years. I have almost finished Business, but I still have to do my final project about the Aristotelian concept of ‘Chrematistics’ and how it was received by Aquinas. In the near future I am going to start studying a speciality to be a candidate for a public competition in order to work in the Spanish public System. This is my third year in Phoenix Institute’s Summer Seminars and I am really pleased about having the opportunity to go there again.

José Migoya

I’m 21 years old. I was born in Puebla, México. I believe friends, family and specially God give sense to my life, that’s why I love them very much. I’m studying law at Universidad Panamericana campus Mexico City. I just lived in Madrid for a year as an exchange student.
I believe world’s society is passing a hard time away of God, but I believe we can take up our way to happiness.

Ana Bayona

Hi my name is Ana Maria Bayona, I’m 21 years old. I live in Medellin, Colombia. I have one brother and one sister. I’m studying Economics at Universidad Eafit and I’m in my 7th semester. I love dogs and cats. I’m part of a political movement MIRA (Independent movement of absolute renovation). I like all kind of music specially R&B, Pop, Soul, launch and house. This will be my first year at Notre Dame.

María Cristina Martínez

My name is María Cristina, I’m 19 years old and I’m a law student at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. When I’m not busy with school work, I like to play sports such as football, and read. I love Latin American literature and English poetry. I also like watching movies and listening to music, such as punk, jazz, rock and Colombian music. This is my second year attending Notre Dame, and I am looking forward to meet you all.

Gabriel Villamil

Hi pal! My name is Gabriel Villamil Martins, and I’m from Brazil, Porto Alegre city – Rio Grande do Sul. I’d like to present myself as a new student in ND Summer Course. My current graduation is Law, at the Pontiphycal Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. In fact, I’m doing the fourth semester of this course, with my 20 years of age. My favorite kinds of subject are those which are linked to Philosophy and Humanities, but, mainly, almost all forms of the language fact, so important in our nowadays world. I believe that a serious study of the Western Civilization is an excellent way to research about ancient kinds of relationships based on a process of different and progressive ways of communication. The Literature…Could be the key to better understand our origins and our incredible capacity of what we cold name “Spirit Art”. That’s why I’m attending to this year ND Course: it will be a great pleasure to deal with the selected texts. By the way, I like to study foreign languages, and dealing with English is a nice experience. My favorite kind of books are those written with critic intentions, like Machado de Assis, Clarice Lispector, Eça de Queiroz (Priest Amaro’s crime). Poetry are also good, as Cruz e Souza, Alphonsus de Guimaraens, Cecília Meireles. These are Brazilian and Portuguese authors. Unfortunately, I don’t know too much foreign literature, but Josten Gaarder is a good writer, with his Sophia’s World. Anthony de Saint Exupéry, “The little Prince” (the only one I know about him). Besides that, technical books are very interesting, as Latin Grammar, Linguistics, politics and economics works (Freakonomics are interesting!), Sociology ones. Finally, I like Greek mythologies very much…
Well, that’s it. Hope I find your all at our course!
Free hugs, hehehe!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sergio Salcido

I’m 22 years old and I was born in Culiacán, Sinaloa, México. We are 6 at my family. I’m the third out of four sons (three sisters, and I).
I lived in Culiacán, until I was 17 when I finished High School at TEC de Monterrey, I moved to Guadalajara, Jalisco, to study at Universidad Panamericana Law School. Since then, I have been living in Guadalajara, except for a semester that I spent in Mexico City.
I’m graduating this June 28th, 2008. Currently, I’m working in a law firm, the same I have been on for the past three years.
This ND 2008 program will be my third one; since I’ve attended ND 2004 and 2006 programs. On 2005 I attend a Law Summer Program at MSU (Michigan State University). Regarding international experiences, I can also tell about UNIV 2005, where I had the opportunity to visit Spain, France and Italy.
“A ‘gentleman´ could only be interested in lost causes” said Borges. Those are the only ones worth to fight for. Others are protected by themselves. I love reading, but I have a particular interest in Political Writings. I am looking forward to study a Master in Public Policies, at the USA or at UK (LSE).
I like basketball, football soccer and running.

Felipe Restrepo

My name is Felipe Restrepo, I am 22 years old and I am from Colombia. I live in Medellín with my parents and my two brothers. I graduated in 2003 from San Ignacio School and currently I am a Managerial Engineering student at Antioquia’s School of Engineering. My hobbies are playing soccer, reading and horse riding. This will be my third year in Notre Dame.

Alfonso González de León

My name is Alfonso González de León Berini. I’m 21 years old and I am from Spain. I was born in Madrid but I have been living in Barcelona since I was 2 years old. I study Law and Political Science in the University Abat Oliba CEU. I have two brothers and one sister, and we all live together in Barcelona with our parents.
I went to Notre Dame two years ago, last year I went to the program in Vienna and this year I have decided to return to Notre Dame to finish the course.
My favorite books are Crime and Punishment (although, in my opinion, the end is not as good as the rest of the book), and any work that deals with Politics (Plato, Aristotle, Tocqueville, Arendt, Bauman…). I especially like football (I am a Real Madrid fan, and I hope Spain will win the Eurocup), going out with friends, music, and all the things related with summer (sun, beach, leisure time…).

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lina García

My name is Lina María Garcia Daza. I am 22 years old and I am from Colombia. I live with my parents in Bogota where I am currently studying law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. I graduated from Colegio Santa María.
I really like to study about international law and international relations. This is the reason why I am working at UNICEF in a partial internship as well as in the Colombian Ministry of International Relations. I also belong to the World youth Alliance which defends the human dignity and all human inherent rights.
I am chirstian and I love to listen to Christian music in general and to talk about religious debates.
I also enjoy very much having new friends and meeting new people. That is why I love Notre Dame since the first time I had the possibility of attending to the summer course.

Diana Gutiérrez

Hi!! I´m Diana del Pilar Gutierrez Marquez. I´m 18 years old and I´m from Mexico. I was born in Aguascalientes, a small city in the north part of Mexico. I have lived here all my life. My parents, Jorge and Pili, and my two younger sisters, Estefania and Valeria, are an important part of my life, I like being with them, sharing good moments. All my life I was in a catholic school just for girls, and now I am studying law at Universidad Panamericana, and even when it is really hard sometimes, I´m enjoying it!I like traveling and meeting new people. I´m so excited with this my first year at Notre Dame. I´m sure that this will be a great summer!!"

David Dawson

My name is David Dawson. I’m 22 years old and I am from Northridge, California, where I grew up with my three brothers, one sister, mother and father. After high school I attended Gonzaga University where I graduated with my degree in Philosophy and a concentration in Catholic Studies in 2007. Since then I have been working for a software and marketing company that helps charities to develop their estate planning departments.
I love family and friends, music, film, literature and sports. I play the guitar and piano, and love playing basketball, soccer, and football. I love watching sports too, especially Gonzaga basketball and Notre Dame football. I like all kinds of music, even country and rap, but especially alternative/indie, samba, hip-hop and anything you can dance too.
I enjoy nothing more than to hang out with my friends, have a beer and talk about life, but I also love to travel and experience new cultures. Some day I hope to be actively engaged in bringing those experiences to my hometown through urban planning and cultural development. I am very excited to be attending the Phoenix Institute and meeting you all!

Irene González

Hi everyone! My name is Irene González Hernández and I am a 20 year old law student that enjoys reading, listening to music, and attending to philosophy lectures. I was born in the US but I have lived in Mexico City with my beautiful family all my life. My dad is an accountant and a philosopher, and my mom is a dedicated housewife. They both have been a great inspiration for me. My little sister is a brilliant high school student and a promising archeologist. And we also have two gorgeous Scottish terriers. I specially like humanities, music, dogs and going out with my friends. Some of my favorite authors (which I have recently discovered) are Hannah Arendt and Gabriel Marcel who are brilliant 20th century thinkers. I also like reading almost anything dealing with philosophy and history. I really enjoy playing with my dogs, visiting archeological sites, and playing the piano and the guitar from time to time. As for music, I love rock & roll, classical (especially polyphony of the renaissance) and some pop too. Chopin, Pink Floyd, Palestrina, and Radiohead definitely ROCK! Don’t they? Last year I attended I Phoenix Institute for the first time and I must say it was one of the most enriching experiences of my life: an awe-inspiring campus, many brilliant lectures, and lots of great friends and beautiful human beings. I really look forward to meeting new Phoenixians and catching up with the old ones…
See you all at Notre Dame soon! Lets share a great summer…

Alejandro Gaviria Hinestroza

I’m Alejandro Gaviria Hinestroza, I’m 19 years old and I’m Colombian. I live in Medellin with my family.
I study Economics in University of EAFIT in Medellin and I’m in fifth semester.
I like to play soccer, as a hobby, not professional.

Isabel López Padilla

My name is Isabel López Padilla and I am 19 yeras old.
I was born in Guadalajara, México where I have lived all my life with my parents and my four brothers.
Currently I am studying Law at Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara.
I love dancing flamenco. I have being doing it for almost 10 years and I used to give classes to little girls form 5 to 9 years in my academy.
My favorite activities are reading, traveling, listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with friends.
I’m plannig to study the next year in Milan at the “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” in a exchange program with my univeristy, which is the reason why I am currently studying italian, which I really like.
I’m very exciting to attending Notre Dame for the second time and I’m looking forward to meet knew people this summer and seeing old friends.

Alejandro Henao

My name is Alejandro Henao Mesa, I am from Bogotá, Colombia, I am 21 years old and I live with my parents, Gabriel and Adriana. I have one sister, Juliana, she is 17th years old and she loves music. I study law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, I am in seventh semester. In my Faculty we have a periodic, its call “Foro Javeriano” I am part of it, and I like to write in every edition.
During my free time the things I enjoy the most are listening to good music, such as old rock and reggae; but what I enjoy the most is fishing, I belong to a club called Pispesca and normally one time at every month they do a Tournament in a different location of my country and the members of the club participate in it; sometimes are individual, others in pairs and others in groups, the one I enjoy the most is the one of groups because I like to go fishing with friends. This is going to be my second year at Notre Dame.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emilia Klepacka

My name is Emilia Klepacka. I am 26 years old and I was born in the south of England. I grew up in a Polish family with generous and loving parents, four sisters and one brother. I studied Law at Cambridge University and then worked in Brussels as the European Director for World Youth Alliance ( http://www.wya.net/). At the moment I work in London for a national Catholic lay organisation which contributes expertise to public & political debates and raises awareness of particular ethical & legislative questions which should be of concern to citizens. Like many of you, I would like work in my own country to help foster conscientious citizenship, good intellectual formation and authentic solidarity grounded in a mutual commitment to the common good..
Last year, I attended the Phoenix Institute summer programme and I had the joy of working closely with Prof Frans Alting von Geusau and meeting other faculty members for the first time: it was great to experience how the Institute is forming a new generation of leaders who are passionate about education and ideas and enriched by their mutual friendships and experience. This year, I am really looking forward to studying the philosophy courses that are on offer, and meeting some more alumni, students and staff. Apart from that I love swimming, music, languages and reading. I am delighted that this will also be a chance to spend precious moments with some truly great friends. I hope that it will be a time of meaningful and joyful encounters for all of us, an experience that will strengthen us for the future and help us to choose the right path on each of life's crossroads, however challenging that path may be. Thank you to all the organisers!

Rodrigo Rangel

I am Rodrigo Rangel Hassey, originary from Mexico city but I grew up in Cancun ; )
I love my family, friends, the sea (specifically good waves), reading, relating with people, sports (played, football,tenis,soccer,kite surfing, etc.) music, knowledge, and basically every experience of life that you can learn from and enjoy. I am currently studying Law career in Mexico City and working in a law firm (corporative). I am into every religious path that can help me develop my spiritual life and as well transmit its positive aspects to other people. That’s not all but we’ll get to know each other in a few weeks!! Anything you need, just tell me, your new friend.

Maria Macia

I'm so excited to be attending the Institute for the third time. I am 22 years old and I am originally from Phoenix-- in fact, I found out about the Institute because I graduated from a high school in Phoenix that Dr. Evans helped to found. I finished up my undergraduate degree in Political Science and Economics at Swarthmore College, located in Philadelphia, in 2007. Since then, I have been teaching Algebra II and American studies to high school students, and I am studying for the law school admissions test right now. I would love to practice constitutional or antitrust law some day.
In my free time, I really enjoy talking (and listening to what others have to say) about philosophy, politics, theology, and what it means to live the good life. I am particularly fascinated by the writings of Alexis De Tocqueville, Alasdair MacIntyre, Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, and Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI. I also like working out at the gym, running, attempting to play tennis, traveling, listening to Broadway Musicals, Jazz, and Classical music, practicing my Spanish, and learning about other cultures. I am looking forward to meeting so many other like-minded people and exploring common interests and goals together!

Joaquín Cuadrado

My name is Joaquin Cuadrado Gordillo. I am 21 years old (close 22) and I am from Spain. I was born in Barcelona, a beautiful city known by many people because of the Olympic Games in 1992. I’ve lived there my whole life, in a flat very near of a mountain where I can walk away from the traffic, stress…
I’m studying Business and Comunication in Abat Oliba University. I love hall dancing, playing football (I hope Spain win Italy), playing chess and philosophical conversations. Also, I like pop and mexican music. My favorites books are Brave New World- Aldous Huxley and Legend and Poems- Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.
This will be my third year in Notre Dame, and trust me, I would like to go there three more times, but this is my last year.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nardine Jildeh

Hey all! My name is Nardine P. Jildeh. I am 19 years old. I was born in Jerusalem, Israel; however, I carry the nationality of Jordan. Since the age of 14 I was a member of some peace organizations, such as "Seeds of Peace" and a member of human rights association "Amnesty International" as well. Now I am following my dream by being a freshman law student in Alquds University. I usually like spending my summer vacation traveling, as it is one of my hobbies, as well as listening to all kinds of music and learning foreign languages. I am so happy to be a part of this program at ND, as I was encouraged by the Coordinator Christine P. Jildeh, who by the way happens to be my sis.
Hope to see you all soon

Karen Martínez

My name is Karen Martínez. I am 19 years old and I am from Aguascalientes, Mexico, even though I live in Mexico city because I am studying International Relations at El Colegio de México. My family is still living in Aguascalientes, my parents and my little brother, who is 13 years old and is studying Junior High School.
During my free time I like to read, specially historic novels, adventure histories, etc. I like to listen music, I can spend a lot of time searching for new music, I don´t have a special preference I like from rock, indie, electro, dance to salsa, banda, pop. I like to hang out with my friends and finally, I love to dance.
This is my first year in Notre Dame, I am looking forward to meet you all, See you soon!

Roberta Swarowsky

I´m Roberta, I´m 21 years old, I live in the southern-most city in Brazil called Porto Alegre. As a Law undergraduate student in the 3rd year of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, I would like to say how I am highly motivated with this opportunity of study in the renowned Notre Dame University with Phoenix Institute. I am very proud of having the chance to mature and construct knowledge and self-consciousness with my professors and classmates orientations. This privilege of studying is just one of the many reasons which my academic and social responsabilities concern.When the Western culture is not taught anymore, we will realize that our society is opening a door to a relativiness´ world crowded with an insecurity spirit, which means morals and ethics are losing positions. In this manner, we can not undervalue the worth of ancient philosophy, which is alive, subsisting and still breathing to construct the future. The Western culture and concepts have been an essential part of my development, since my childhood. It has been influencing myself on my personal achievements and straightforward personality. Not only because of the strong Christian-Catholic values, but also on learning how to handle with different situations and points of view. I believe every human being should be formed as a whole, learning the real meaning of little acts and goodness. I loooove travelling and also meet people all over the world... make friends... I am really looking forward to arrive in Notre Dame!

Alejandro Galante

My name is Alejandro Galante, I am from Bogotá, Colombia and I am 21 years old and I live with my parents, Antonio and Maria Consuelo. I have two older brothers, Antonio, who is now living in Buenos Aires and Juan Carlos who is about to get married. I used to study law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, but after two and a have years I realized that Law wasn`t my career, so I`ve recently changed to the Universidad de los Andes to Architecture. This has been one of the most important decision I have ever taken. During my free time the things I enjoy the most are listening to good music, such as old rock and reggae; but what I enjoy the most is taking pictures, I love photography, and I carry my cameras with me al the time.

Robert Poppleton

My name is Robert Poppleton. I am 21 years old and from Los Angeles, California. I am studying Philosophy at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. I am now a senior with one more year in philosophy. I like to spend my free time with the people that are most important to me, my family and friends. If this is not possible, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin are good substitutes. I also enjoy watching good films that are often foreign (French, Spanish, Brazilian, etc). I also like to dance, play football and basketball, travel, and experience different cultures. One day I hope to build a city.

Teresa Pueyo-Toquero

Hello everybody! My name is Teresa, I am 22 and I come from Barcelona, Spain, though I was born in a village close to Huesca. Last year I attended the Phoenix Seminar in Vienna and I can't wait to be in Notre Dame. I have just graduated Political Science and next year I will finish Law. Though I haven't thought about this quietly, I guess I will continue studying after college, I'll try to get a Sociology PhD.
What I like the most in the world is sharing a good coffee with my friends. I also love going for long walks with my dog and watching films at night, specially Hitchcock's. About music, those who were in Vienna know that I am obsessed with Mozart!!

I am looking forward to see you all, we are going to have the best summer!

Daniela Páez-Cala

My Name is Daniela Páez-Cala. I am nineteen years old and I am from Colombia, South America. I have lived in Bogotá, the capital city, since I was born with my parents. I have a younger sister: her name is Valeria and she is seventeen years old.
I attended the French School from Preschool until my graduation. Now, I am attending the Law School at Los Andes University, in Bogotá. Knowing that I was more in contact with the French culture through my school, I always searched for other academic programs that gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with other cultures, especially the American culture. Since I was nine I have taken English classes and I have traveled to the United States to attend summer camps and academic programs.
During my free-time I love to read; to listen to all kind of music; to watch movies; to meet friends and to do sports. I practice tennis, waterskiing, horse back riding and swimming, but most of all, I go to the gym. Concerning the reading, I love history books, in particular, biographies.
I am considering being a journalist, this is why, at the moment, I belong to the Newspaper board of my faculty, called AlDerecho.

Thelma Cervantes

My name is Thelma Cervantes Ocampo I am 21 years old and I am from Aguscalientes Mexico. I was born in Mexico DF the capital of Mexico, but when I was 10 years old I moved to Aguascalientes. I live with my family (which are my sisters: Janette , and Lizette, my Father, Roberto and my Mother Thelma. I've attended girls catholic schools since kindergarten. Rigth now Im studing Architecture (6th semester) at the university of Aguascalientes (UAA). I love traveling because is the best way of living the architecutre. This will be my 3rd year at Notre Dame and I can say that being part of the Phoenix Family is one of the best things could ever happend to me. When I'm not studying I try to work out, Hang out with my boyfriend (we've been together for 3 years now), and my friends. I love reading almost all kind of books, listen music, and play tennis, Im really looking foward to know all the new members of the Phoenix family. see you in the summer!

Jessica Martínez

Jessica Itzel Martínez Torres
22 years old
Student of Politics and Public Management
Activities I enjoy:
I enjoy traveling, reading, watching movies, taking pictures and listening to music, among others.
Themes of interest:
South America, Education, Sustainable Development, International cooperation and Public Policies.
Organizations I belong to:
Phoenix InstituteHabitat for humanity

Alejandra Canales

Hi! My name is María Alejandra Canales Andrade, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Colombia. I’m the oldest daughter of a big family; I have one sister, who is 17 years old, and two brothers, that are 14 and 19 years old. I live with all them and with my parents, that are, fortunately, a beautiful and loving couple. Actually I’m studying Law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, and I’m coursing my 9th semester. I love philosophy and literature, especially classics, and I am acting now in a theater group. Professional theater is one of my future goals. I like to play basketball and golf (even if I’m not so good in it), and I adore water ski. My favorite music is, without any doubt, JAZZ, the classic one and the modern one, although I don’t like the free style. Also, I like Salsa music, vallenato and merengue, because, like almost every Colombian, I love dancing. As well, I am passionate about writing short stories and some poetry, being almost obsessed with some themes like colors, senses, tastes, textures, scents, sounds, angels, kids’ dreams, love, etc. This is my last year in Notre Dame and I really hope to make new great friends and to learn the much I can of you all.

Marek Przychodzen

I was born in Siedlce, Poland and I am 29 years old. After graduation from high school I've moved to Cracow Poland to study philosophy and sociology at the Jagiellonian University. I majored both in philosophy and sociology. Before I applied for a Graduate School I've spent one year doing menial work in the UK. Currently I am writing my PhD dissertation at the Jagiellonian University. I like classical philosophy, especially Aristotle. I spent my free time reading good literature, especially prose (currently I am reading Dostoyevsky). I take care about my physical health working out at the gym and running (I am a marathon runner). I like meeting new people and I am sure we will have a great time together during the Phoenix Summer University.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Estefanía Restrepo

My name is Estefanía Restrepo. I am 20 years old. I am from Colombia. I was born in Medellin but now I live at Bogota ( Colombia's most important city) with my parents, Juan and Adriana and my brother Alejandro.
I study Law at Los Andes University. I have attended the university for 1 year.
One of the things I enjoy the most is reading. My favorite books are the romantic ones. I recommend to all of those who like to read about love, a colombian writer, actually my favorite, Angela Becerra. I also like to write, I dream of becoming not only an important lawyer but also a writer.
At sports I like to jog and play squash.

Alejandro Noguera

My name is Alejandro Noguera and I am from Bogotá, Colombia. I´m 22 years old and currently I am studying Law at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, at Bogota. In my free time, I like to spend time with my friends, hang out with people, listen to good music and read a good book. One of my favorite books are “El Tunel” by Ernesto Sabatto and one of the music groups that I like the most is U2. I consider my self as a very outgoing person and like to get to know new people every time.

Romina Mancuso

My name is Romina Mancuso. I´m 21 years old and live in Argentina, Buenos Aires, where I was born. Currently I´m studying Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). I enjoy playing sports, such as hockey and especially golf tournaments and tennis. I also like sailing and I´m attending a sailing course in my sport club (Club Náutico de San Isidro). I love traveling and visiting some of my family living in USA (Miami) and in Spain. I´m looking forward to meeting you this summer!

Federico Hoyos

I’m 22 years old and I’m Colombian. I live in Medellin with my family and study political sciences at Universidad EAFIT. I did my high school at Manizales, Caldas the main coffee city of Colombia in Colegio Granadino, an American school.
My main interests are: politics, history, movies and books. I practice soccer and golf; from time to time I play tennis. I like to read historic novels and also enjoy writing a lot. I actually write political opinion columns on a blog I opened about 5 months ago:
I’m really looking forward on going to Notre Dame, and the friendship opportunities. Hope to see you soon.

Esteban Mesa

I am 23 years old and was born in Medellin Colombia and i have lived there since then. I study law in Medellin and I am in my last year. I love playing, watching, and talking about soccer. I like to reed about the history of Latin America, especially of South America. I like politics and philosophy of the state. I like all kinds of music but I like rock and electronic music the most. My favorite movies are V for Vendetta, the matrix and the educators

Natalia Martínez del Río

My name is Natalia Martínez del Rio Samper. I am a 21 year old Colombian student, I was born in Bogotá and I lived with my Parents Joaquin and Carolina, my siblings Diego and Ana and puppy that is gorgeous Golden Retriever. My father is Mexican, but we have lived in Bogotá almost all my life. I’m a 9th semester law student at Javeriana University in Bogotá who prefer the public law than the private one. I love to walk in the night, watch movies, write, listening music and travel with my friends, I used to love reading but, now with all the reading that I do during the semester, Im not reading too much, my favorite book is “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera.

Paolo Barletta

I’m Paolo Barletta, I'm 21 years old. I am an Italian Student, I attend the last year of business economics studies in LUISS university of Rome. (In the Capital of the World)
I always been near to the social association for the cooperation in developing countries. I’ve been in Africa for working to Micro-Credit projects with an Italian Association.
I also are involved in Student Youth Policy. I’m part of Catholic Student Movement (MSC) for an active citizenship in Youth World.
I like soccer as any Italian does, and I support the most powerful team in the world : (AC MILAN) I like play tennis, but I’m also a good soccer player. (Colombian National team will experience this directly)
This will be my Second year in Notre Dame, and I’m exited and very happy.
See You Soon
Laeta Juventus

Amy Williams

I am 28 years old and was born in San Antonio, TX. I lived in San Diego, CA until I was nine and then my family moved to Nashville, TN where I currently reside. After high school, I attended Vanderbilt University and majored in Human and Organizational Development. After graduation, I spent five years discerning a religious vocation with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. The experience was filled with countless graces, but I discovered that God's plan is for me to work out my salvation while being actively engaged in the world. Currently, I'm a service banker at Wachovia and am planning to begin law school this fall. As a Dominican, I had the opportunity to study the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, and I have a particular interest in his writings on natural law. Besides St. Thomas, I love reading anything written by or about St. Thomas More, Servais Pinckaers, Henri Lacordaire, or St. Catherine of Siena. I'm a HUGE Notre Dame football fan and have been known to throw a fantastic spiral! I love activities outdoors, especially running and cycling. I also play a little tennis, but I have a lot of technique to learn. I'm looking forward to the friendships and learning opportunities at this summer's Phoenix Institute!

Paulo Roberto Tellechea

My name is Paulo Roberto Tellechea Sanchotene, 27 years old, Brazilian (Rio Grande do Sul state). I'm lawyer, graduated in the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS - 2004), and a Master degree student in Philosophy of Law at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
I'm the eldest son of three kids. I have a sister (25) and a brother (19). My parents are divorced. My father is also a lawyer and my mother is a entrepeneur. Today, I live with my fiancee, Alice. She is a lawyer as well.
I love soccer, but I'm not a great player though. Alice is a little bit jealous about it, but everyone has vices! I'm a Grêmio fan and it's important to me to say that I will lose the city derby to be held on June 29th to attend this course. I have a crush on American sports too, mainly football, and I always watch ESPN on TV.
I don't have any musical preferences, it's more a matter of like-dislike to me. Altough, learning and understanding music is on my to-do list.
Here are some of my favorite books: Eric Voegelin's "The New Science of Politics"; Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"; Jorge Caldeira's "A Nação Mercantilista: ensaio sobre o Brasil"; Carlos Alberto Montaner's "Twisted Roots: Latin America's Living Past"; Mortimer Adler's "How to Read a Book"; Fiódor Dostoievsky's "Crime and Punishment"; and George Orwell's "1984". I hope this information are sufficient to show who I am and how I think.

Marifer Reinoso

I'm María Fernanda Reinoso. I`m 21 years old, and I am Mexican. I live in Aguascalientes and I`m studying Pedagogy in Universidad Panamericana. I like philosophy, literature and art. I teach gymnastics to little girls and I like a lot doing it. I have a wonderful family: my Mom and Dad, one older brother, and one younger sister.

Sofía Clariana

My name is Sofía Clariana, I am twenty one years-old, and I was born in Madrid, Spain. I am currently studying Law and International Business at Centro Universitario Villanueva in Madrid.
Some of the reasons that pushed me to join the Summer Program are my desire to learn, the possibility of interacting with brilliant people and the idea of being part of a group of individuals willing to refresh youth’s concept of western thought.
I love travelling, meeting new people and learning about other cultures, another reasons why I decided to apply to this course. I consider myself to be enthusiastic, passionate, reliable and a good friend.
By the end of the course I would like to be able to transmit other people how important it is to be concerned about our present actions and omissions, since we are the hope for future generations.

Joanna Moreno Manzo

I’m Joanna Moreno Manzo, I’m 21 years old and I’m Mexican. I live in Guadalajara with my sister Alejandra and the rest of my family (Father: Salvador, Mother: Martha and my little sister Sofia) lives in Uruapan.
I studied until high school in Uruapan, after it, I went to France for a year, and since 2006 I’m studying law at Universidad Panamericana.
I’m part of a political party, PAN (Partido Acción Nacional) since 2000.
Some of my favorite books are: “Los de Arriba”, Guadalupe Loaeza and “Bel Ami”, Guy de Maupassant.
I played soccer for 7 years, now I just do it as a hobby, I am used to go to the gym and I usually practice dance classes and kick boxing. I love to travel and have fun with friends, I love music and my favorite one is the one you can dance it, and if it is in Spanish so much better.